Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Blog Every Day (in) December (Day 1)

In short, B.E.D.D.

My Internet friend Claire wrote a post about B.E.D.D; aka blog everyday in December. I thought this would be a great way to document the last 31 days of 2010.*sniff*
Besides writing about my mundane life, I wrote down some ideas of things to write about in English today. I plan on reviewing books, movies, hi-lighting undiscovered bloggers, and photography posts. Any thing you want me to write about or any questions you have for me, I want to know what you guys like to see from this blog.:)
Today was pretty good and I know it will get better.In English ll H, we talked about birds pooping on humans and a linguist being confused with my teacher's voice.I love that class, especially my teacher.:)Quote from my English teacher "We've worn shoes for a long time now.": D I'm super sore from track off season, muscles I ever discovered in my 3 years of track are in pain no matter what.

But enough about my pain.Wanna see some pictures? 

The Christmas stockings are up.:)

My little brother's thanksgiving craft, abandoned outside now Christmas is upon us.

"Why don't you love me?!?!"

The pool ring is now our leaf pile.

Cool shadows

I love this lamp so much.

This stray cat hangs in our yard. Friendly and a great subject.:)

With the slight angle, looks like the earth after spinning really fast, know what I'm talking about?

Guess what my brother broke not 30 minutes after photographing it?

Makes a lovely hat though...

Great for lighting situations if natural light isn't an option. 

Glasses glare will still exist.(I normally wear contacts)

What photos did you like? I crave constructive criticism... *wink wink*Off to church, ciao!


  1. I have a lamp almost EXACTLY like that one! That cat is really cute :)

    I think my favorite is the second to last one of the cat.

  2. Um, I just remembered you had a blog and I want to say you are just so cute, Rebecca! Makes me want to start one....nah, n_n
    And I love your pictures above. See you in a couple hours!
    -Ashley :)

  3. Kiki-Lamp buddies!:D Yeah, she sure is.:)
    Ashley-Aww thanks, see you later:)

  4. Love the lamp, fourth cat, close up of the pine cone cutey. Gate and pool wring for epic win. love your photos Rebecca always a joy to see! ☺ ☻

  5. Thank you Shaheen!Congrats on winning Nano!!:)

  6. I like the cat pictures. Even though I hate cats. haha

  7. Thanks, I'm not that fond of them myself:)
