Friday, August 31, 2012

The End Of July

Back at school for journalism, installing beautiful new Macs!
My teacher let me take some of the boxes to use for storage. Even the boxes are clean and sophisticated-ly wonderful. (I really like Mac computers) I mad a bed of Macs before I used them for stuff.

One of the Lincoln Log homes my students built.
An opportunity arose to pet and outlandish turtle.

At the skate park, disco balls live on.

Started watching The Office

Ashley & Ali's 20th birthdays were last week!

So was Jackson's 21st! (Random noodle guy was to block out locational information.:D)

Dear Reader,

Dear Reader,
     I want to start this letter with an apology. My school year has definitely started out with a bang and then a giant BOOM. So much has been happens and so fast, I really haven't had time to read your blogs and comment about how wonderful you lovely people are.(It's true, you are pretty spiffy.) I have been trying to get into a routine for schoolwork, clubs, church, fitness (ha....ha ha.), and seriously spending more time with my family and with my Father. I have failed at keeping a balance and instead has been flailing about for the past two weeks or so.
     So. Senior Year so far. It's been grand for the most part. I am sad to report that there has been some melodramatic drama that honestly ticks the heck out of me so much that I don't want to go any further. What I will say that I am so blessed to have the best friends ever. I now know that we will stand together, even if it's unpopular for us to do so. God is so good, He always is. I love Him so much for that. my classes have been the least of my worriers, everything is pretty simple at this stage.
     I have a few words of wisdom from my first three days of school.
                  Day 1: Wolves eat themselves. That is literally what I learned in my government class. I have a brilliant teacher, seriously.
                  Day 2: Rainbow Seals must be named Beachball. You see, I colored a seal rainbow and named him Beachball. This was all Chavis's and Drew's ideas.
                   Day 3:Massages are a good idea. AP World History. Good stuff.

     Then the weekend after those three days was absolutely awesome. I went on the annual float trip with my youth group and had a fantastic time. Being a canoeing boss with Katie never gets old. S'mores.Charades. Late night chats by the fire.Sharing chocolate bars.Those don't get old either.
     Then I saw Ben Rector and Lights in concert with Matt, Patrick, Andrew, Megan, and later Sydney and Rachel. There was a guy with attractive facial hair who took my spot in the queue when I had my back turned. Then we went to Sonic and stayed up till 12 on a school night. It was a good time.:)
     I also babysat a baby for the first time in a long time. it was amazing having her fall asleep in my presence.I felt so accomplished, but really she is just a fantastic and adorable sleeper.:)My friend Melissa turned 16 and had a fabulous party the next evening. I fell in love with her friends  from school, and they fell in love with her friends from church, they thought we were cool, hehe. It was awesome.
     And now we have a four day weekend. A rainy weekend at that. I have summaries to write, books to read and a room to clean. (He he, that rhymed.) But I really wanted to blog because I've missed talking with you all and reading your blogs! How has your school year been so far?Or if you haven't started/ don' go to school, how's life been?What are you looking forward to?
     Once again, I'm sorry for not being around much. I have been compiling some major photo posts which will show photos from many of the event described in this post. I love your faces and have a lovely Friday!
Your amiga,

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Irregular Fashion Shoot/ Senior Year Tomorrow

 Dress//Goodwill  Boots//Candies  Belt//Thrifted
I love this dress, it is so swishy and was only $4.50! It is a tad big, but nothing a belt can't fix. I think it looks kinda flower girly, but oh well! The boots (that I saved $40 on) make this outfit a little more mature.

 Shirt//Marilyn by Sam Shaw(Goodwill)
I spotted this beauty on my way to the cash register and couldn't turn it down for $1.50. It is a size XXL so it is super soft and comfy.

 V-neck//Gap(Thrifted)  Button down//Heritage 1981(Goodwill)  Jeans//Glo(Goodwill)
This outfit is pretty simple. I love how the jeans are easy to tuck into my combat-like boots.:)

Tank top//Forever 21(Salvation Army)  Skirt//Kimchi Blue(Goodwill)
My friend Mariah actually found the tank top and thought I might like it. She was right! I love the skirt and for some reason it reminds me of books...

Shirt//Xhilaration(Garage sale)
I got this for $0.50. Not bad. I love the detail on the sleeves.

Shirt//Thrifted   Skirt//Bisou Bisou (Goodwill)
I adore this skirt! The material is kinda dressy but can be easily dressed down with tights for school.

Shirt//Faded Glory(Garage sale)  Shorts//London Jean(Goodwill)
I love these bright shorts, and how I found this shirt that matches in a lovely way just a few days after I found the shorts.

So, over the last few weeks I began searching for some new pieces for school. I am incredibly pleased with how much money I saved and how much fun I had taking these pictures. I know "fashion" isn't every body's cup of tea, but I thought it would be cool to do a little fashion shoot outside!

I don't have a tripod sturdy enough to hold my camera, so I took my mirror off my wall and propped it against our lovely old willow tree. That was planted a year or so before I was born, so it really has grown old with me; I'm quite fond of it.:)

The best part was running in and out of the house to change. It was 100 degrees out and our air conditioner has been faulty lately. It was hot, especially when it came to the jeans, but i just had this immovable will to take these pictures. It was enjoyable, despite the heat.

 So, today is my last day of summer. I will begin my senior year tomorrow. it hasn't completely hit me yet. My backpack is stuffed full of fun pencil, highlighters and pens, I set out my first day of school outfit in a jiffy, and I have my schedule and route memorized. 

I am not really nervous for the school part, I just know that things will be changing this year, as I make plans that may, for the first time, differ from my friends'. I anticipate God to change me even more this year, as I make decisions on colleges and grow into an independent woman. It is coming in so fast, but I adore this feeling. I am going to make this a great year for me and everyone else around me.

I want to challenge myself to do yoga every morning as well as read my Bible and devotion. I believe that those things really make or break my day. I want God to write upon my heart whatever he wishes and starting the morning with Him will clear my vision and refocus my heart to want what He wants for me.

Good luck to all of you as you return to school or work. I pray that God will use me to serve and love others, no matter where I am heading in this life.=)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

An Afternoon at the Park

This is my friend Bethany. We rode our bikes to have lunch in the park a few weeks ago.

Yum. Especially the oreo part. ;)

We are strange sometimes. It's fine.

Then we rode back to where we came from and enjoyed our oreos at a little stream

Between the two of us, we ate them all.

Have a favorite picture?