Sunday, July 10, 2011

New healthy goals, Harry Potter coming soon to the end.

Hello comrades! =) 
I am excited, because today I officially am starting over with my goal of getting fit.This is not a diet, I want to change how I eat forever. Exercise is the easiest part. The real difference will show through better eating choices, over a period of time. I have been off and on doing the incredible workouts at They are so quick & intense, an average time of 12 minutes of the workout. The awesome people behind this site is Zuzana & Freddy Light. They really do these workouts everyday and film and explain the moves to a world-wide audience. They also share their diet challenges, recipes, travels, and stories from other "bodyrockers"(that's what the community calls ourselves) There are so many encouraging people and stories that really make me want to change. 

This article really inspired me to take "before" pictures and then for 60 days, not to stare in the mirror, wishing I'd look different. The Lights really have made their life dedicated to their health and helping others to grow stronger, healthier, and happier. I am going to start doing their workout every week-day, an active Saturday(bikeing, running, swiming, ect..) and taking a rest on Sunday.Sunday will be me healthy eating rest, eating a doughnut/ cookies at church.Otherwise I am cuting out ice cream, cookies, and other sugar packed snacks.I will watch my portion sizes all the time.

I am sick of eating so much crap and then feeling awfull and weak afterwords. I love the electricity I get after a workout and want to get results and that same spark from healthy food choices.  

Here is my new background to inspire me:

I love that quote. On the Body rock forums, someone posted this fitness motivation board, which was really awesome and inspiring.

I have a huge Choir Tour post coming up, lots of pictures!:)

4 days till' Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out in the U.S.!!!So pumped, yet not ready for it to end. But, in the words of J.K. Rowling, "Whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.”<3
See you soon!:)