Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Floatin', Exercise, and School's A Coming Soon (:

Hello friends!:)
Long time no blog.A lot has been going on.I will start with this past weekend.:)

I went on a float trip with my youth group. Some people from church camp were able to come too.I had never gone on a float trip, but thankfully I had been canoeing before. I don't know if this applies to all youth groups, but mine likes to tip each other's canoes over.(We help each other afterwards:) Me & my boating partner attempted to tip someone's canoe but we kinda, sorta.... FINE I'll say it; we failed.(: Someone tried to tip us, we commandeered their ship in a way.I jumped back to the canoe and then someone else tipped our canoe. Other than that, it was very fun. Many moss wars ensued, and many attempts to catch minuscule fish.

 We ate dinner, played charades & other silly games.I really got to know my friends from church camp a lot better. They are hilarious and I love and miss them so much.:( They don't live nearby so I won't see em' for a while. Also some of my friends from church camp couldn't come so it'll be even longer before I see them again.:( Then I played cards with one of my friends who was kindly sharing her tent with me.I'm getting better!:D I couldn't fall asleep because the senior guys kept talking and scaring the Junior High/ Freshman girls. I'm glad they had fun though, seeing as it's their senior year.:) I will sure miss the seniors too.:(

Me & my friend Blue Seal have been doing this exercise plan I found in a magazine for about a week and a half. We are trying to eat healthier and to exercise more. The first week was about becoming more flexible by doing certain yoga moves. It was very painful, but I am much more flexible now. YOGA IS HARDER THAN IT LOOKS. Just a warning...:)

This week we stated the one that's about burning fat. Now this one is all about constant movement with no stop. On Monday when we first started this workout, we were outside. Dumb idea... we moved to the basement; thank goodness. I feel less sore the more I exercise, and I feel better.:) 

Today I went to Goodwill with Blue Seal, Pink Fuzz, and their mom. I will not be doing a "blog haul" because I wouldn't want my male readers' minds to disintegrate from boredom:) I may post some pictures of the folders I got for school. I think the guys may like them even more than some girls would.:)(They are Marvel Superheroes, Rock Band, & Bumblebee from Transformers):D 

So, that's what's been happening.:)
How are you doing?I'd love to hear from you, so leave a comment if you want.:)
I am here typing, listening to Regina Spektor and my mom is about to turn the internet modem off.


  1. what's up Rebeca? sounds like you had fun at your camp/group. tipping over others canoes WITHOUT getting in trouble for it! sounds like fun to me!

    I've been working on my belly dancing,and stories(slowly.) and I've been trying to get MORE exercise into my day, but i`m lazy and tired;From lack of sleep and from NOT EXERCISING.haha. I'm trying to do exercise 5 days a week being (belly dancing,walking,track,bowling)
    wish me luck!
    that's so cool how you went shopping and so did i like yesterday. weird.

    Well hope your summer is going well,
    Hugs, Shaheen

  2. What up Shaheen!?:)
    Yes it was very fun!Do you get in trouble when you tip over other canoes?(We only tipped people in our group):)

    What do you mean by stories?Are you a writer? I can understand laziness very well.I am still in my pjs, hahaha!:)

    Best of luck with your exercising regime! Motivation helps me, like good upbeat music, a friend to exercise with , and yummy food afterword.:D
    Woah, that is odd...
    Have a lovely rest of the week and thanks so much for commenting on my blog, it really makes me happy.:)

    Your friend,

  3. thanks Rebecca I like reading your blog, along with Kandee's and Tiffany's. keeps me updated on what everyone is up to! :)

    No,I`m not a writer,I'm a high school student and just write for fun. like fan fiction, and original stories.

    Thanks for the encouragement and tips on exercising, music and good food like cupcakes encourage me! though cupcakes aren't that healthy... oh well I'll think of it as a reward for being encouraged to exercise! haha...

    thank you for the well wishes.May your weekend be wonderful and filled with good health,happiness,and fun.

    Hugs, your friend Shaheen =)

  4. No problem, thank you for reading it!:)You have no idea how much your kind words mean to me.I love Kandee & Tiff lots, they are such amazing role models huh?

    That's cool!I'm getting more into this blogging thing but I'm not a great story writer.
    No worries, me and Blue Seal ate cupcakes after our workout last week. Haha we were just testing them, honestly!:)

    You too girly, my weekend was awesome. Got to spend time with my youth group and at my local amusement park.:D Tell me when you start bloging, I'd love to hear what you have to say.
