Monday, January 17, 2011

Worst blog reader ever & a List

Lot's of things to cover, quick blog!!!
1.I am such a horrid blogger, grrrr.(Yes I just growled at myself, good thing my family doesn't ask...)I am desperately trying to catch up on reading all the blogs I've missed over the last week. I just got done with the marvelous Morgan blogs and have so many more.

2.I got home from a ski trip with my youth group today. I went down part of the black diamond, which was rather hills which was fun.I fell zero times which was cool. I love my youth group; they really are my best friends:) I have pictures to show you guys soon, in a later post.(=

3.365 is going well, cut to pictures;
Day 11 
You might have seen this kitty in a past post.:)

Day 12
Snow still here!

Day 13
My beautiful friend Ping

Day 14
Gingerbread, yum!

Day 15
Christmas bootie gone missing!

Day 16
On the way to ski

Day 17
Car ride home, fun!

I accidentally dropped my camera, breaking the battery hatch and I duck taped it. Plus some people requested to know what camera I use, so now you see it in it's worn glory.:)
4.I am so excited to see some of my friends from camp at a youth conference next weekend
5.One of them told me he wants me to do his senior pics which really made me feel cool.(:I've never done senior pics plus have no pro editing or printing equipment, but I will research and work towards that, it made my day, thanks Joel, can't wait to see ya!(He reads my blog;) 

6.It is my bedtime and one last thing...
Books read:1.5
The .5 is My Thirteenth Winter:A Memoir by Samantha Abeel.It is about a girl who has a learning disability, well written, great for me because I understand with my brother and all...

Okay, bye now!:)

Monday, January 10, 2011

I miss you/365/finals/play/journal.Yeah.

I miss you guys.:(
I have been insanely busy with 365, finals, and my church play. I've fallen wayyy behind on my blog updater list thing.So if I normally comment on your blog and I haven't, this is why.

Day 4
 My friend Cheryl put mascara on a piece of paper, because there's nothing better to do in our Biology class.:D

Day 5
Train stop on the way to school in the morning. One word; freaky!

Day 6
I spotted lots of planks outside my house on my walk home from the bus stop, so I checked it out.

Day 7
Yay, I made it a week! These are the gum-balls in my backyard.

Day 8
Blue Seal, with her spiffy camera that I envy, a bit...

Day 9
My friend Ashley has a mini version of her mini in her Mini. Crazy, I know. Some people on Flickr thought that this was a real  car on train track or a ditch, which I thought was cool.I never saw it that way!

Day 10
Today it snowed! First snow of 2011 YAY!!! We should have a snow cone party. You all are invited!:)
I saw this green leaf, distinct out of all the brown and I hope it stay green.Go leaf go!

Ah, it feels so wonderful to blog again.It feels odd at the same time though.My January is going great so far!My youth group started this new study called "Life Hurts, Go Heals" I really like it.:) I've been doing the daily journal that came with it and I feel like that's helped me a LOT. It's about changing yourself and not trying to twist and change people or circumstances that, you just can't.

You can only change what you think, say, and do. I really struggle with that, with trying to change my family. Living with autism for almost six years really can make people settle in their ways(not just my parents and brother, me included.)I just need to change how I react, be more kind with my words, and help in anyway I can; instead of saying I'm trying to help, but only make things worse.

Also, I have one of the leads in my church play.I'm not happy about it but I have no choice. We read through most of the play and it went well.I'm not as nervous as I was, but still nervous.I can memorize my lines really well if I run(treadmill of elliptical) and speak them to myself. Hey, it works for me..

That's is all I believe.I will hopefully have nice teachers who won't give me homework after finals are over, and I can catch up on blog reading, I miss hearing from you guys too.

Thanks for sticking with me, school stinks this week, and I'm off to a b-ball game for a journalism assignment!

Oh, if you have any thoughts on fun ways to memorize lines or words or whatever, I'd really appreciate the help. Advice of speaking/acting on a stage in front of 100-200 people would be lovely also.;)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Last day of break, Project 365, and my brain hurts...

School starts tomorrow.Ew.
So much is going on, I'm seriously bugging out.

My healthy life style failed today.I blame the popcorn tin and Pink Fuzz's cookies.(Sorry Pink Fuzz, they were still delish though!:)

I very last minute decided to do Project 365 this year, started January 1st, 2011.I know how testing this will, be but I'm excited to explore my camera more and gives me an excuse to take, yet more pictures.I have joined this group on flickr that is all for those doing the project for the year 2011.I know some of you may not know what a project 365 is, basically it's when you take a picture everyday for a year.I really have wanted to do this since I saw this lovely photographer take self portraits every day for TWO YEARS. And every one is fantastic!

I will post them up on Flickr firstly, and then in my at least weekly post I will show all the pictures from the last week, but here they are so far:

I was just bike riding along when I spotted these berries and the sunlight coming through the leaves.
January 1st

I wanted to drive to church, I get to scrape off the ice.
January 2nd

One of my resolutions, read the Bible everyday.To me the Bible is a letter of love, from God.
January 3rd

With school and youth and bible study and everything starting again, this project will surely get harder as more of my time goes to God, this play at church that I got the lead in(no I'm not happy with it at all), and with finals and school work.

I need Hakunah Matata, badly.

I've decided to keep track of how many books I read in a year.It will be at the end of every blog post, if I remember it.

Hope you are having a lovely 11 so far, and having a lovely first day back to work or school.If you are still free, use it WELL.

Books Read:1(Elixir by Hillary Duff)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's 11.=)

Guess what I'm going to say?
Yup, Happy New Year!Last night I went to my friend Bethany's home with Blue Seal and her family.There were a lot of people I didn't know(besides Bethany's brothers and some people from school).They were mostly from Bethany's small group at church.

There were all these little kids running around and they were very fun to play Apples to Apples & Catch Phrase with. One kept on asking what every one's name was.She was 9, but had a very sarcastic, sharp persona which made us best friends almost immediately.I gave most of them piggy back rides around the house and many sat on me during catch phrase, which was rather uncomfortable, but what can you do?

Then all of them left around 10p.m., except this little girl named Hope.She was extremely adorable, and very shy.I had seen her at a football game, sitting on Bethany's lap, but she wouldn't talk to me.We quickly were talking and playing with blocks, reading Christmas stories, playing with a yellow yoga ball and hide n' go seek.

We tried to watch the A Game with the other teenagers, but Hope got scared so we went off and chilled(aka what I said 3 lines ahead of this one.)Few parts of it that I saw were hilarious some really disgusting/crude/violent.

When it got around time for the midnight countdown, everyone had different times on their phones.So we counted down at least 7 times, not sure of what the real time was.Pink Fuzz(Blue Seal's younger sister), Kara(Blue Seal's older sister) and I all had the same time so we counted down together.Still have know idea who had the correct time, but, whatever!:)It's 11! We left shortly after and I went home and read Elixir for an hour(don't tell my mom). My sleep was still off from the sleepover the night before, so I was still awake.

Today was a pretty uneventful January 1st. I got out of bed, watched some YouTube, put away and sorted clothes, rode my bike for 20 minutes....I would've ridden longer, but I forgot my gloves and my hands went numb.On the ride I took some pictures.
Yes, I did use editing to make this a bit, um.. BRIGHT.Is it too much?

The berries are out of focus I know my bad. But I love where the sunlight is directed.

I have had an internal struggle with me.I really want to do 365, a bit of both blog wise and photo wise.
I'd feel really weird if I hadn't posted a blog today.I've really gotten very used to blogging everyday.How about this, I will blog everyday I 1)Have something worth blogging about and 2)life permits me to(aka there's time to.) Kapeesh?
Awesome possum.
As for the photo 365, I practically take a photo a day anyway, so I guess I might as well. I have a tricky Internet connection, so I most likely won't be able to get a picture up on the interwebs(most likely flickr) the day it is taken. Plus there are time when there's no way I can get on the computer(Choir Tour, Camp, Trips, ect...)But I will put the date that the picture was taken on.

I hope you all had a lovely New Years Eve!
And which picture should count for my first day of 365?I'm leaning toward one of the berry ones.... but which one, I have no idea...