Saturday, December 15, 2012

We tend to forget that we're all the same.

     As I'm sure many of you have already heard, in the U.S., there was a huge massacre in Newtown Connecticut on Friday. In an elementary school.
     I was told this by my liberty and law teacher during the last block of the day. It didn't really hit me. I mean, I was naturally horrified, with 26 people dead, 6 adults and 20 children. Children.

     Tonight it hit me, because I knew there would be more accurate information out there. I saw the President's address to the situation, and seeing him trying not to break down restored my faith that this is not  a political game to him. I may not agree with everything he says or has done, but as a human, we are connected by the deep sorrow we feel, along with the rest of our country.He also ended with scripture, "Heal the broken hearted and bind up their wounds."(Psalm 147:3)
      It hit me. It hit me hard. Especially when I saw this interview with a first grade teacher who protected her kids and showered them with loving words that she thought would be the last they'd ever hear. The humanity shown even in the voices, faces and actions of the media that is normally supposed to be neutral wavered and I thank God so much that they did.
     I was a first grade teacher this summer and I cannot bear thinking of if my  kids and I were in this situation. I love them so much and I totally understand Kaitlin Roig when she says this:

 "And I don't know if that's okay, teachers, and you know...but I wanted them to know someone loved them and I wanted that to be one of the last things they heard, not the gunfire in the hallway."

     I have been praying about my career and for how God wants to use my love and passion for children, and I am still not set on anything. I am considering teaching and this tragedy has not scared that option out of my mind. If I am to become a teacher, I pray that God would use me to love on the kids and protect them, that I may react the same as Kaitlin. No matter what profession, it is my prayer that God will use me to love and protect children however He calls me to.

      I am usually a happy blogger and tend not to dwell on current events and unpleasant topics. But this, this is real life. I think I have it so bad, being a single, not rich, senior in high school who doesn't know where God will take her yet. "Woe is me" Riiiight. I cannot compare my heartbreaks to those of those involved with the shooting of the teachers, staff, and students at Sandy Hook Elementary. I cannot....  

     I feel such sadness for the man who did this, what must have been wrong with him to do such a horrible thing. And even more sadness for those left to grieve over the shattered pieces of their lives that he left behind.I will be praying for those dear children, brave faculty, and all whose hearts beat with them, and I hope that you will too.

I am sorry if this is really sad, but I felt inclined to write this.

This song immediately came to mind. No one laughs at God when they're saying their goodbyes

Ruthie sang this beautiful song of hope and peace.

With a heavy heart, I wish you all faith, love, and hope always.

And I will end with something a friend posted that brought hope.


  1. I encourage you in your pursuit to serve children!! They are so special. I considered teaching as well.

    My heart breaks, too. God never promised us this life would be easy, and that there wouldn't be heartbreak. It's one thing to know that for your own hardships, but to expect someone to be okay with that who's child just died is a whole other thing. I can't even imagine the pain that is consuming those families.

    John 16:33
    "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

    1. They are, I'm so happy and I feel like I'm the best me when I'm with them.:)

      I agree, the pain of knowing someone who died is hard enough, and for your own child, I cannot possibly imagine.:'( I love that verse, reminds me that God's got this, and everything else going on in the bag.
