Thursday, October 11, 2012

Chasing The Storm

I believe in the rain.I believe in the wind too. I believe in thunder and lightning and dark clouds. Since last Friday night, I believe that storms are good.

Friday was a bad day.Almost everything that could go wrong, did. It started out with waking up late and rushing off to school in a hurry. I didn’t get a chance to talk with my counselor about my future plans for college like the rest of the seniors did, which disappointed me.
From then on, I began to worry greatly about my future, seeing as I had no clue what I want to do with my life. I don’t know where I want to go to college or what classes to take . With many of my friends making grand plans of becoming nurses,going to great, big schools far away, and having a general inkling of what they want to become, I feel like an idiot when I still can’t say what I want to be.

I carried this worry with me throughout the school day, and it weighed me down lower and lower to the ground as I walked into my home. I was wasting my time on Tumblr when all of a sudden, the lights were gone.My computer lit the room, but I shut it down anyway. I walked to the living room where my mom and brother were searching for a flashlight. I lit a candle in my room and my mom soon announced that she and my brother would be going for a little drive to a place with power because my brother was scared of the dark. So they left and I was alone in the storm. Alone, but not lonely. I feel at peace when I’m home alone.

I sat at my window and watched the storm by candlelight as it passed. The rain fell in sheets of differing intensities and the trees danced before me as the leaves fled off into the street. I didn’t have enough light to do my homework, so I got this unfamiliar push to start filming with my Nikon. So I did. I love to take pictures and even if I’m in pain, photography can be a great release. I began to tell the camera of all my fears and growing panic about my non-existent future plans. About how I can’t afford college and where I would even go. To document my feeling at this time and during other hard times.

As I was rambling on, I paused to look out at the storm. When I did, I saw that it had stopped raining. Of all the leaves on the tree, not one was moving in this quiet moment. I felt that I was not alone and knew that through this, God was trying to tell me something. Then I remembered something I had read in my Bible earlier that week. “Come near to God and he will come near to you.” Then in a huge rush of a wind inside me and the beating of my heart, I realized that it didn’t matter what I was or wasn’t planning, it was what He was planning. All I need to do is look for God and truly take time to be still, even when storms like I had seen and felt that day were raging. I saw the words “Just take it one day at a time”, flash across my mind. I had the answer I was looking for. I didn’t know that the answer I needed was not to be found in a college or career path. And I am so thankful for that. And all of this happened because of a really bad Friday.

So yes, I believe that storms are good. It brought me to surrender the control I thought I had over my life. I feel that my deepest gladness is when I am with other people, especially working with children. I have no idea where God will take me with that passion, or with my passion of capturing mere seconds of life with my camera. But I do know that it will be very, very good. Now, I am along for the ride, to chase the storm.

[This is an essay I wrote for my Composition class and I thought I would share it with you.Props if you made it this far, majorly.You are awesome:)]


  1. I love love love this.

    You better have gotten an A on it. :)

  2. Thank you guys, I'm glad you liked it.:)Thanks for reading it.<3 And yes Anonymously Me, I got an A, yay!:D

  3. you are such a talented writer :) enjoyed reading this, thank you for sharing!

  4. I really did enjoy reading this. I think it's awesome. and even if it was an essay, you posted this on your blog at the appointed time.
    now, two years, almost three years out of high school, just now, I am starting to discover what I REALLY want to do. My passion is to write and speak, coming out of high school, it was something totally different.
    ...did you know that most college students end up changing their major sophomore or junior year? why? because they didn't really know what they wanted to do coming out of high school, but they went anyway because that's what everyone else was doing, that's what everyone
    else said they should do to.
    I had major plans after high school, but a turn of events caused me not to do what I had planned. and for a year, I questioned what I really should do. THis is when I started blogging. and I can honestly say that God has started to give me a HUGE passion to write.
    God is in control, and things happen in HIS timing, NOT ours. He doesn't think the way we think, he doesn't work the way we work (Isaiah 55:8)
    if you are passionate about kids, I believe that you will do something with kids in your future.
    trust God. he has it all planned out for you.
    But he only reveales himself when you are fully dependent upon him.
    love ya girl.
    you are awesome and I love your heart

  5. Alycia-Thank you, thanks for reading!:)
    Morgan-I am glad you enjoyed it, and that you are discovering what you are doing to do. I really don't want to do something I am not into, so as of now, my major is undecided. I definitely believe that you are a writer and should go with that. I';ve felt God speak to me through your posts and that is incredible how your words apply and how I read them at just the right time. I am now trying to depend on His understanding now, and putting aside my own and other people's. Love you too, thank you for this.It made my day.:)
