Sunday, July 22, 2012

Lots of Photos, Few Words.

Finger painting at work

Fourth of July

Family reunion and Potter-loving cousins =)


Lauren's feet looked like bunny ears, apparently.

Fear Factor day for the kids...

Ooey gooey science day.

Ice skating


All the contents of my walls, on one wall.=)

I don't like tea.

Melissa's adorable shoes.
Hanging out with my youth group at church.

A beautiful sunset.

But to get the picture, I had to stand on my car. Well, my parent's car shhhhhhhh...


  1. how fun!
    I love finger painting and I love all of these pictures as well! It looks like you had a lot of fun!

  2. Looks so fun! I love it when you post often :)

  3. Morgan- Thank you, finger painting is so fun to watch! I'm glad you like them.:)
    Kinga- It is great fun.Yay!:)I'm trying to post more.

  4. hope you post again soon!
    have a great day Rebecca!
