Friday, July 27, 2012

Camp:The Reign Of A Honeybadger*

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3
Day 4    
Day 5 
These are my pictures from my last week of camp. I thought about writing something about each day as i did with Choir Tour, but camp has always been special and relaxing, that there is not much different day to day events. All I can say is that God changed my heart there and after I came home, I started out strong, reading my Bible and praying every morning. But now I have lapsed back into putting my relationship with God on the back burner. That is not okay and I am going to start over today. I'm not saying this will be the last time I do this, but telling you gals (and guys) makes me feel more acountable for my actions.

Camp really revealed some sins that I never even noticed. I felt so awful about it and begged for forgiveness and then, I was forgiven. God is so good. I want him to set a fire in my soul, completely uncontainable and uncontrollable. A fire so ginormous that I can't not praise God and talk to Him every day. My prayer is that you will always experience His forgiveness, love, and mercy everyday.

*To explain the title, my family group was named the honeybagders. Honeybadger don't care!:D


  1. I love all of those pictures Rebecca! And I am glad that you had a good time at camp!

  2. Melanie-Camp is an incredible place to be. Complete Hakunah Matata, I miss it too!

    Morgan-Thank you so much Morgan!:)
