Hello! I am ready to share some events with you because I actually had the opportunity to do some cool things. I have been looking forward to this for quite some time. I went on a road trip with Katie, Kelly, and Erin. The purpose was to see Panic! At The Disco, 21 Pilots, Fitz and the Tantrums, and Walk the Moon. We just had to drive a few hours to reach the city; it went quite fast. We ate a picnic lunch at a a sculpture park.
I climbed one of the sculptures and captured this side of Erin and Katie.
Rouge. (With reason.)
Katie captured the pursuit of the blue-bill.
Katie's as well. We chilled in the hotel room by watching the end of Gravity and getting cleaned up for the concert. I didn't take that many pictures or video because I didn't have the best view and I also was dancing. I really enjoyed the whole concert and all of the performances. Twenty One Pilots really blew me away! Tyler Joseph has this amazing voice the includes rapping, singing and a bit of screaming. It was seamless and something I could never experience again until I see him live again. And Brendon Urie just made me happy. He is seriously gorgeous and his voice is even more so. If you follow me on Pinterest, I am sorry for the spamming of him (But not really...;)
We slept in a bit and enjoyed our breakfast before heading out to explore. Our first stop was this amazing greenhouse. It cost just a dollar to get in and we had the place to ourselves the whole time.:)
This was all just the little park out front.
This is where Brendon and I will get married. :D
Erin, doing what she does.
Kelly, being amazed like all of us.
Our whole gang! They had a little balcony we were allowed to climb up.
Selfie! (Taken by Katie)
We then ventured to the art museum.
One of the pieces was set on a timer and I caught Kelly's true reaction.
We then grabbed some pizza and began our trek home.
My dad let us take his mustang who was unnamed. We named her Rosamnd, Ross for short.
So. That concludes that most jam packed yet relaxing weekend. This was quite a lot for two days but it was so enjoyable. I had never been on such an extensive road trip on my own with three amigas. It was empowering, us all working together, navigating and planning this all out. I am happy I went with these peeps! The live music also just re-energized my spirit. I cannot stop listening to Panic and twenty one pilots, but it sucks because it cannot compare to how true they sounded that night.
I feel like I will be more willing to go out of my way to see artists I like. Even if it seems like a lot to handle, I just need to do it. I won't regret it. I know now how live shows make me feel.
Sup. The video kinda explains most of it. I have been blogging for four years and after the crazy of this weekend passes, I will delve into details and funny stories after. My grandparents are coming, working from 7:15-6, online classwork, I gotsa put that first. For now. I hope you all are well, please let me know if you have any updates in the comments or even email me at ms.rebeccamarie@gmail.com because I really have missed the cool pen-pal-like friendships with you!
.No song, but headphones on.
The Day:
.woke up around 6:30, work at 7:15 one of my kids put on her blanket and said "I'm a burrito"
.worked with my twos until I went on the field trip to help with the older kids, swimming! High board, twice.;)
.went back to twos, worked until 6. Came home to a package of early birthday presents for certain peeps...
.Home. Attic shopped. Found handcuffs. Came down to write this blog.
. Same height, though hair is longer! 2 feet from root to tip.:)
I am blogging angrily. I am angrily blogging. And I am okay with that. Because this isn't a place to look perfect like it used to be. I am human and humans get mad. And I am. I am going to input those funny awkward valentines through out this post to keep you interested because what I I am saying are my true thoughts. You may find them wrong or a yawn, but that is okay. You will like the Valentines. ;) So, Valentine's Day. Day of Love. That Cupid episode of supernatural, you feel? It is absolute stupidity. At least for most people. Most people throw the word love around like it is money and they are making it rain. Gazillions of roses and chocolate treats are given to women like nobodies biz. People invest time and money into other people that they either really love or just want to make them happy so they can get what they want. I have seen endless posts all over of people extending romantic gestures today. Sappy words all describing their boyfriends as always making them smile, laugh and for treating them better than anyone else.
They all have said the. exact. same. thing. If you really love them, don't you think it would be something bigger than cliches and reused phrases? And if you do, do you really need to express that love to all your followers on whatever social media you are sharing your valentine's loveliness? And if you really love them, don't you think they might want something other than what everyone else typically gets on this day? Honestly, I'd rather have a thoughtful gift carefully selected from my "Fangirl Essentials" board than flowers.
I am not in love or "in love", meaning artificially disintegrating into a sticky end. Some in relationships are there just so they aren't alone with themselves. I always hated that song lyric that goes like, "I will love you until you learn to love yourself." I thought, how wrong is that?! Why do you think your affections can change how they view themselves, make them love themselves because of your love?
Hailey texted this to me. I feel loved.
But now I hear something new, just as I read that last sentence. Isn't this similar in a way to the message of Christ?(I don't think that was Ne-Yo's intention, but whatever.) Doesn't he seek out those who see themselves as unworthy of love or anything? I am imperfect and I will never be okay with all my mistakes and stupid things I have said and done. I should hate myself for so many reasons. But I don't. Because Christ chose to love me despite all of that. And it is his love that encourages me to make the right choice, to choose love. I choose love of Him, love of all, and love of me, not matter how much I suck. I have no control over past, but the present and future belong to me, and I chose to give that to God.
I have decided to love myself enough to not settle for ooey-gooey love that lasts for a season. I want a person who I can serve in love and that I can encourage to love Christ. Let's lighten this post up, shall we?How about a list...:) Reasons I Am Not Going to Casualy Date. 1. Just to ease my mother's worries of me being lonely. (*cough* Mrs.Bennet *cough*) 2. To get back at or show anyone "I can do better" None of us are better than any other human; we all have the choice to do incredible bad or incredible good. 3. Frankly, I have other goals that require more time and energy; preparing to graduate fro college with no debt or loans, work on this whole responsible adult thing, oh; and figuring out what degree I should graduate with. That might be a good idea.;) 4. If I cannot be okay with going to a party, movie, shopping, or out to eat by myself, then I would always feel like I cannot be on my own or that I am not worth even doing anything. I simply cannot do that. Not because I am vain and value myself, but because the greatest guy ever tells me I'm good enough.Plus if I cannot make my own fun, how could I ever be help someone else have fun?
Another Hailey. She knows.
"And seeing as out Father made me, he knows what he is talking about. "One of the greatest evidences of God’s love to those that lovehim is, to send them afflictions, with grace to bear them."~ John Wesley That is the love I desire and this is the love that this world is so desperately in need of. Unconditional love with no strings, and not just with empathy for our stuff in life, but grace and peace to encourage us forward. It is the love that is constantly overshadowed by puppy love.
I'm not saying I haven't had that puppy love before and won't again. I just desire to love as Christ did. It may take me a few times to get it right, and that is okay! Not just with a boyfriend or whatever. Everyone deserves Christ's love and if I can be a vessel of that, all I have to do is say yes.
From my cousin. Good one cuz.:)
I apologize for this random spouting of Valentine's Day love thoughts. I just had some thoughts and they needed to get out. I hope you are happy with your special someone, weather that is your best friend, boyfriend, or yo awesome self. You are definitely worth being loved greatly, you already are!