Thursday, January 12, 2012

It is well, with my blog reading soul.

Today is the last day of finals. YESSS!!! I just spent my first two classes of the day catching up on all of my unread blogs in Google Reader. There are 0 unread, zero. This hasn't happened in at least 5 months. Fantastic!! I feel so accomplished, not like I was supposed to be working on my story for journalism or anything.... 

My final for J-2 was a portfolio which I finished on Tuesday. Tutoring is my last final of the day and I'm positive it will be a breeze. I have a four day weekend and I hope to accomplish a lot but have a nice relaxing break too.

I have Earth Science in a few minutes, so I'm going to go ahead and post this without any clever photos. :( 

Did I mention it is snowing? Because it is and that makes me happy. Maybe I can get some cool pictures this afternoon. Hope your having a lovely day/night/what er'. 



  1. Wooooooohooo well done :D

    Yay snow! (not that we have any...but yay for you!)

  2. I am sooo jealous! one, because you've been able to catch up on your blog reading (I swear, I'm behind about 500!) And two, that its snowing! Haha. Love hearing from you as always Rebecca!

  3. Just Me-Thank you, haha:D I hope you get some snow! Most of ours melted already, but there's still patches of it.

    Morgan-It's alright, you can do it! Just dedicate about 3 hours to eat granola and blog read without mercy.(I had 500+ too.)And the snow wasn't that fab, I had to be in school for most of it.:D Nice to hear from you too!
