I got around 8 this morning.I have my alarm set for 8:15, but I heard my family bustling around which woke me up.
Since then, I have; done my cardio for today(20 minute dance party), took pictures for you guys, gotten dressed(Running shorts, white tank, moccasins, and a windbreaker), and removed nail polish from my toes.
Isn't this straw weird?It came like this...
I'm loving this book so far.I hate the glare, but I love my face.:D
61 degrees fahrenheit in December.YES.
It rained, and I had no idea..
Clean and purty fingers(Kind of creepy with my eye, don't you think?
I like how my brother's feet aren't touching the ground.
We were playing on our home-made see-saw.
My brother made a Christmas tree with broken branches and sandbox toys.
More rained on stuff.
Now, I promised a New Year's post.I think I will make my resolutions today and reflect on the year tomorrow.I am not a huge resolution fan, but last night I wrote some down and added steps to reach that goal.
1.Get a job.I'm not doing track this year, I really want to help my parents out and I think this would be the most I can do.I might talk to one of my friends and see if her McDonalds has an opening, but I'd really like to work at this camera store or anywhere that can help me gain knowledge about photography or any of my other passions.As much money that my parent's need is theirs for bills and such, and the rest will go to my D5000 fund. But I need to be 16 for most jobs and some require you to be able to transport yourself to and from work, which implies that I need to....
2.Get my licences. I've had my permit since late August, but I never get to drive anywhere.My dad like to drive the truck, because it's warmer.I understand that but it has a stick shift.Ugh....
I still haven't learned parallel parking yet, and I'm not good at regular parking yet wither.I need to practice those, and study the booklets the driving people gave me to see what's coming.
3.Read the Bible everyday.I've gotten to the point that I enjoy reading and writing about what I read in my journal. I don't fall asleep unless I''ve written in it.It's sort of like a letter to God, a way for me to get my thoughts out and to ask Him questions.I need to finish my current bible study and start a new one for 2011.
My journal(haha, Twitter...)
4.Have a healthier diet.And no, I don't mean go on a diet, I mean to change how I eat for the rest of my life.I am so sick of eating lots of junk and getting stomach aches afterwards.I'm going to avoid sugar as much as possible. And drink more water.I learned how to make cheese and chicken quesadillas Tuesday, I'm so proud of myself, seeing as I can't cook anything besides a pbj, cereal, and water.I want to avoid processed foods and learn more recipes(easy ones).I also want to start bringing my lunch to school, along with snacks to eat throughout the day.
5.Exercise every day(when life permits) I want to do some cardiovascular exercises(dance, run, jog, bike, swim...) on some days, strength days( exercise videos, Pilate's, crunches...).I will have those alternating 6 days a week.On Sunday, I will do yoga, to rest and stretch.
Yay for workout videos!:D
6.I want to keep in touch with my friends an family more(particularly far-away friends).I want to write letters to my friends and cousins at least once every month or so.
7.I want to improve as a photographer/ blogger.I'd like to become a better writer, take better pictures, and become better at editing.I will do this partially by taking Photography 1 next semester and I will become a better writer by writing in my journal everyday.And through other bloggers tips and Digital Photography School, I will improve over all with this goal in mind. I want to post at least once a month to flickr and once a week on this blog(again, as life permits)
8.I want to take better care of my skin.It is far from perfect, and I know that it will never be perfect.But to get to the point where I don't feel like I need to wear face makeup, that'd be amazing!Until then, I will be sure to completely remove dirt and makeup from the day every night.I will put on spf everyday.And I will find natural, home remedies to clear and balance my skin.
PHEW!That was a lot eh?Congratulations if you made it through alive.I can't think of anymore resolutions.I've started on a lot of these so I'm ahead of everyone else.HA!=D
Do you have any resolutions and exciting things happening in 2011?I'd love to hear them, so we could all encourage each other to stick with em', eh? Anything you guys want to see from this blog, any challenges or questions?Let me know, you are such wonderfull people, I crave your opinion.
Sleepover with Hailey, excited for fun blog brainstorming!
(psttt... poll over there, ends soon, MUHAHAHA)
Sorry bout' the awkward/odd (oddward?) ending.Okay, bye for real now..
Your resolutions sound so great, it looks like you've really thought about them properly rather than just giving vague statements. Good luck with them all! My New Years post will be up some time in the next few days.
ReplyDeleteOh, and don't knock driving with a gear stick! (sorry, I can't bring myself to write 'stick shift', it's not in my vocab) You all make way too much of a fuss about it.. it's really not so hard.. :P
Ending didn't seem particularly awkward or odd to me? Can't get on board with the 'oddward' thing though, sounds too much like Jedward for my liking. Can we have awkwodd instead? Although maybe that sounds a bit too much like awkward.
Wow this is a long and rambling comment! I'm done now :D
I think you can get a job at Subway when you're 15.
ReplyDeleteJust Me-Yeah I did really think about them, and so far they are going great, especially the eating healthy & exercise!Thank you, can't wait to read your post!
ReplyDeleteHa ha, I'm sorry.My dad just gets frustrated trying to teach me, which makes it so much harder than it really is.I plan to learn how to drive a gear stick(I think gear stick sounds cooler..) but for now I just want to get my license with the auto.
True, true, we must discover the perfect combo of awkward & odd.For real.
It's fine, ramble away I enjoy reading:)
Anonymously Me-Seriously?I must look into that, thank you!(: