Friday, April 22, 2011

I can drive/Good Friday/Matt Smith is adorable

Hello friends, new post ahoy!(Sorry, I'm in a pirate mood today, due to POTC:Dead Man's Chest being shown on TV this weekend)

I have a lot to tell you all about.I am currently employed in a pet siting job for 3 weeks.It is a huge responsibility.I have adjusted well though, to waking up at 5:30 A.M. and returning to their house to let the dogs out again and giving them all some love and attention.I can tell they miss their mom and dad, especially the dogs. But I enjoy it. Tuesday, I watched some of Doctor Who.I am in love with that show!!!The Doctor is very British and attractive,  I like him!:)

Tuesday, I also got my licence!Horah!I got a 78 and bombed the parallel parking, but the rest was mostly good! I wanted to jump up and down and scream and laugh and cry, but I didn't want to look crazy, even though it's the truth.I went to the official drivers licence office and got the actual licence! I haven't driven yet, but will talk to my insurance person later next week.I drove to my pet sitting job, home, then to and from church.

We are having a Good Friday service, led by the youth.I'm excited, but not a happy kind.(Jesus death, sacrifice you know.) We  are mostly watching a video we made, singing and in the end, blowing out the 12 candles.The 13th one will light the torch we carry out to the fire pit.The fire will be lit all weekend.Even in the rain, it has `stayed lit.It's quite incredible.A youth be will be out by the fire all weekend (in shifts of course) and what we do is known as the Easter Vigil.It's a great way to invite others to church and have fun and fellowship.

Drew and Chavis are going to officially do the Vigil this year and I'm pumped.

The 365 is going well.I think I should be like Linda and just post them all at the end of the month in one huge blog post.No pictures for this post, I'm at school so none of my pictures are accessible.:(

If you like pictures check out my tumblr.There are some incredible photos on there, it is a great way to procrastinate and fan girl over Matt Smith.Forgive me for my obsession, it happens...

Google Matt Smith/Doctor Who.Seriously, he is just too cute!

How are you?(And please don't say "fine!", I really want to know.)


  1. Woo, congratulations on your driving test!! :D

    I'm great thanks! :D I've been a bit ill & exhausted the last couple of weeks and although I'm still a bit ill I am feeling so much better, and I just got home today which is awesome, and also it's SUNNY so woohoo, things are good! :D

  2. Yay you got your license!!! Be safe now, kid. :)

    I'll be fine once I write this stupid long research paper. But good news - it's mid-semester break now! WOO!!

  3. Hailey-Glad to hear it;)
    Just Me-Thank you!I'm glad your feeling better.It's been raining here all week so sun is very good!:)
    Anonymously Me-Yay!:DI will. I feel your pain, except high school paper version.Have a great break!

  4. love your blog! lets me friends! follow me and see what i wear every wardrobe wednesday! xoxo

  5. Thanks Kelsey!I'd love to be friends.:)Your style is super cute!
