Sunday, September 15, 2013

New things.

Hello! So lots of new things have been going on.

#1- I teach two-year olds. I taught 3rd grade this summer, so this was a strange transition for me. I really love now! I change diapers, pat and rub little backs to sleep, help them up the playground equipment, wash glitter/paint off every inch of their bodies, and read to, laugh with, and kiss em. They are precious and I will leave it to your imagination how cute and smart they are.

#2- I started classes at my local community college. I really love it as well, but at the beginning I had some major freak-outs.  I am taking 13 hours just to start out and will take 16 next semester. All my teachers are grand, but I will be changing the timing of my classes now that my work schedule is set in place.

#3- I have narrowed my major possibilities to four majors. Social work, psychology, library science, youth ministry, and English. I really want to look into school to transfer to and for that I need to declare something. I just want to choose what ever God is calling me to. I know He will bring me where He wants me to be in His time.

#4-I miss my friends. Not just the ones that left town, but those that I don't see anymore because our schedules are so busy. Luckily, I watched The Fellowship of The Ring with Drew and caught up. I really missed him and now I'm on my way to understanding all the LOTR references.:) I really really REALLY miss my amigos, like Hailey, Bethany and Erin, :''( I also miss my youth friend that are still in middle and high school. :''(

Lake day!!!

Faint at the cuteness.:D
Bell ringing with Anna for Christmas in July:)

#5-I got a major electronics upgrade. I have a smart phone, which equals Instagram!! (msrebeccamarie) I love being able to use Google Maps instead of getting painfully lost.:) I also got a Dell laptop and it is the love of my life, like my current desktop!

#6-Chuck Bartowski is my favorite. He is the new "You-must-this-nerdy-and-adorable" level for me to marry you. The best part of him is that he is literally Zachary Levi. <3 a="" been="" chuck="" classic="" good="" i="" p="" show.:="" some="" spy="" such="" ve="" watching="">
#7- I ordered the perfect comforter. It is perfect and will be here on Thursday hopefully!

#8-Even though this all sounds good on here, I am struggling with finding my place. If you are a prayer, a prayer for me would really be wonderful. I am struggling with future decisions, living semi-independently, and my relationship with God. A lot is uncetain and my faith is not what it used to be. I need to be reminded that God is always the same, not matter my circumstances.


  1. Making Art With The Erin, The Katie, and The Kelly
  2. World's Longest Tickle Fight
  3. Fangirl Down {David Tennant Edition}
  4. Stephen Making my Halloween Costume {WARNING, very adorable}

I hope you all are well! I am working on catching up and commenting on all your blogs and I will!!!:) Have a great Monday tomorrow guys!


  1. Oh! One of my friends is in grad school for Library Science. She's at Indiana University. I don't think they have a library science undergrad program though.

    I didn't pick a major til my second semester of college. You'll get it all figured out in due time. Do what you love doing, and I'm sure God's fine with it (as long as it's not sinful). Don't worry too much about "finding God's will" for your life. Just pick something, and honor God with what you're doing.

    I'll definitely keep you in my prayers!

    1. Yeah, I have been struggling to find many library science programs for undergrads. Thank you for the advice, I really do worry too much. Thanks for the prayers!:)

  2. I will most definitely be praying for you. Love you dear friend and miss you!

    1. Thanks Ashley! Love and miss you too, but I shall see you soon!;)

  3. Sounds like you have been busy! :) Just keep praying and I have faith God will direct your path and what major you should pursue. I will be praying for you!

    1. Thank you Jessica! I appreciate your encouragement so much!!<3

  4. Loving on 2 year olds sounds like the best job! How fun :)
    And I'm definitely praying for you. I know you will figure out what's best for you! God is good and He will totally lead you in the right direction!

  5. Praying for you I will do =) I remember those early freshman freak-outs and the whole trying to find my "place" in all of it... which for me actually didn't come until junior.

    1. Yes, freshman freak-out is the perfect word for it!:D Peace will come with time.

  6. Hi Rebecca, I popped over from Natalie's blog because I saw you commented. :) I loved your list of happy things--you seem like a lovely candidate for any of those majors in your #3!
    I will definitely say a prayer for you, sister I've definitely been there many times (and for long stretches of time) where it felt like my faith wasn't where it used to be and it affected everything in my life. Keep your chin and keep reminding yourself of God's lavish love towards you. (1 John 3) :)

    1. Hi Jen, nice to meet you! It has been a real dry patch in my faith but through the encouragement of my college ministry, amigos, and blog amigos, it is getting better. Thank you so much for stopping by, it was so cool of you. <3

  7. Yay, welcome to instagram! You will absolutely love it!!
    xo TJ
