Friday, March 1, 2013

Happy 1st of March! Let us do this and make this month awesome.

Happy 1st of March friends!There is something so refreshing about the beginning of a new month; a new calendar to fill up, a new month to restart goal-wise.

I only posted once in February, once!!! I could give you my excuses or I could promise to post more. I think I will try writing and scheduling posts in advance.Might as well give it a shot, eh?!

Awkward "Aye, it's snowy and icy outside" face
Yesterday I read an article about procrastination from Kaleah's Things I Love post which really spoke truth into why I am so horrid at getting things done and prioritizing. The article inspired me to adapt to a new can-do attitude! I was productive in watching WALL-E & The Amazing Spiderman, which I will be returning to the library today, preventing library fines which are my greatest enemy. Grrrrrr.

My mom brought in several alarm clocks for me to choose from and she told me to pick one and set it up near my bed.She also told me to pick another one and set it up across the room so I have to physically get out of my bed. Thank you Mom......   

It actually helped a lot. I got ready very early and also had time to do my full yoga routine, catch up on some Lent readings, and pray without time constraint.

Here are just a few of my choice reads, movies, and tunes. Obviously, the library and I are dating again. It is getting pretty serious.
For Lent (the season leading up to Easter) I gave up saying/doing negative things. That is not going too well because I am sarcastically mean sometimes, le sigh.... I also gave up hitting the snooze bar (getting there), listening to music Jesus would be cool with in the car (yup), and being more intentional and diligent with Jesus time.

I am also writing 40 letters (one per day of Lent) to someone who has impacted my life in someway, big or small. I am very behind, but I am writing a few everyday to make up for the times lost.

Here is a particularly derpy photo of myself, believing I was a princess in out version of  "The Princess and The Pea", when I was just the head housemaid, Matilda.
It is March; Dinner Theater happened last weekend, I am in love with Andrew Garfield, I shed countless tears over Downton Abbey; and this month is going to be great. I hope and pray that you are going to have a great day!What are you looking forward to this month?If you ever have anything you need prayer for, comment or e-mail me ( and I will pray for you. That would give me accountability to keep praying continuously.:)

P.S. check out the pretty button I made for the ole' bloggaroo at the top left..Use it if you like, or not; either way, I love yo' face =)

P.P.S. you know who else's face I love?


  1. haha you crack me up!
    I schedule posts ALLLLLL the time! In fact, I think about 97% of the posts I have made have been scheduled! It's hard to keep up unless you do that!
    the putting the alarm clock on the other side of your room works swell, don't it!?!?
    and I think that's so sweet you're writing a letter to 40 people who have impacted your life!
    what a good challenge!
    have a wonderful weekend pretty lady!


    1. Ha ha, I try ;)Yeah, I am working on another one and just found a list of blog ideas from a few years ago, yes!It really did work well! Have a lovely Sunday!:)

  2. Hah I adore Andrew Garfield too! He is just so stinkin' cute. And so are you! Even in your derpy photo... haha!

    I love your attitude!! You inspire me to make March awesome too :D I have been on a life high lately and things are just looking really "up" and I feel my attitude changing a lot. It's so good to read this and be encouraged by you! Keep it up :D

    P.S. LOVE the idea about writing a letter per day for lent. Love love love!

    1. I know right? I have decided that if I marry, the dude has to be at least an Andrew Garfield on the cuteness scale. D'aaww, thanks!:D I'm glad your on a life high (when you said that, it reminded me of this: ) I'm glad you think my posts are encouraging, that makes me encouraged hearing that.:)

  3. P.P.S I am totally grabbing your button!

  4. This is a great post! I have so many things I want to do in March too...and your goals are fantastic! I'll be putting your button on my blog, dear! :)

    1. Thank you so much Jessica!You are awesome.=)

  5. My sister is doing the same letter writing thing and she's learning a lot through it... and the procrastinating thing... you and me both =)

    1. That is so cool!Yeah, I'm working on being more diligent with my goal setting, it just takes the right kind of reward for keeping up.I wish you luck with whatever you are procrastinating with!*high-five*:)
