Saturday, October 15, 2011

Homecoming =)

 (above photos by Hailey)

Homecoming was fun.I feel like making a list about it.

.Matt looked very handsome, eh?
. My hair stayed almost completely curly the whole night.Win.
.Before Matt got here, I took some pictures of my friend Mariah and her boyfriend Nathan. I absolutely approve of him.He's super sweet and I can tell he cares about her so much.

.I recognized half of the music, which is a step up from last year!
.Matt and Drew got a long really well, which made me very happy.
.I danced mostly with agroup of my friends and danced like the dork I am. I looked so silly, but it was so fun!
.My dress and Hailey's dress were 80's colors, pink and blue.
.After I drove Matt to his relative's home, he went and gave me a late corsage ehich was really sweet and beautiful.
.Oh, and my feet didn't turn purple his year.That's always nice.

There are lot's more, but that's the most I can remember now. I'm still quite sleep-deprived.
I have the month of July 365s saved as a draft, expect that tomorrow! I'm getting all caught up on posting and editing photos, so yeah!:)


  1. Great photos, you're all so beautiful! I'm glad you had such a good time! And I'm so impressed about your hair staying curly all night, I am yet to achieve that!

  2. Anonymously Me- Thank you!:)
    Just Me- Thanks! I have the most beautiful people in my life, inside and out.=) Yeah, it took a LOT of Rave hairspray though, haha!
