Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 3

We awoke, drove about thirty minutes to the church we were going to sing at.We first went to their contemporary service.I talked to Pastor Dan's daughter, who was really sweet. We doubled the congregation, who loved our Praise Band.Dan talked about how we should view God as our friend, but overall, Lord.He showed a movie clip that explained "Buddy Christ"
Hilarious, eh?:D

We then sng in the traditional service, where lots of people cried.That amazes me, because we aren't the best choir...I guess the fact that we were there gave them joy.Then we helped them decorate for their vbs(vacation bible school)
Sydney is able to hide in fridges.(It is a cooking themed vbs.)

As we were decorating the sanctuary, a really cool guy came and talked to us about how we will be dealing with broken people as we clean up what's left of their homes.And he asked us why we were there.(Not accusingly, curiously.) I said that I was more at home at church than at home with my nuclear family.
"He told me later that he saw me as a leader in the youth group and to take that seriously.I told him thanks, and that I would."

Later on, some of the guys wrapped me and some other girls together with fishing wire.

Connor, acting like Connor.

We came home, and got bored.
So we started getting creative with out bedsheets...

Then a mob of watching Mitchell throw a ball at the wall and Mitchell(2) trying to catch it. 

I'm at camp now, talk with you on Saturday!:)


  1. This looks & sounds so fun!!! I wish I'd gone to stuff like this. The closest thing it reminds me of is our CU weekend away but we're all between the ages of 18-22 so there were no sheet-sliding-races (I'm assuming that's what that is, anyway!).

  2. I love the last picture with everyone laughing!

  3. This looks awesome! Way to go!

  4. Just Me-It really was.I wish everyone in the world could've gone on this trip.Yeah, that's what they were called.:)
    Anonymously Me-Thank you, I do too.:)
    Dylan-It was, thanks!:D
