Sunday, November 24, 2013

I am going.

As I am typing this, I am sitting right next to the biography section of my favorite library in my town. I have been thinking a lot of what people will think of when I'm gone. Will I have spent my life playing it safe, or will I have been doing what I and God decided to do with this slice of time I've got here?

I have realized just how comfortable I am here. Same town, same house, same friends for years. I've become so comfortable I have started to suffocate with tradition, familiarity, and pre-conceived notions from myself and those close to me of how my life is supposed to turn. And for once, I am sick of it.

I don't want to stay in this town just to make me or my family comfortable. I want to go where God wants to make me so uncomfortable that the only thing familiar in a place of new faces, new rules, and new responsibilities, is Him.

It is ridiculous to stay just because it is easy. Even though I planned to going out of town after community college, I am getting comfortable again and was reconsidering staying. Weather that happens or not, I want to intentionally move away, see the far corners of the earth, or even just a dusty town one state away.

Living with intention, on my terms is my new goal. If I want it and it falls in line with God's word, is there any reason not? No.

So I am going, not sure where or why, but it is certain. And I will still be here, reading your words and being with you guys every step of the way.

p.s. The best part of going is that I am not going away from you guys. We might even be closer!:D


  1. wow rebecca...I love what you said... " I want to go where God wants to make me so uncomfortable that the only thing familiar in a place of new faces, new rules, and new responsibilities, is Him."
    this is such a beautiful post from you and I'm very thankful that you wrote it. You are such a beautiful girl.

    love you!


  2. I agree with Morgan ^^. I love that line you said too. How scary but awesome to truly only have God to rely on! We are such creatures of habit, scared to do anything out of our comfort zone, but we were never called to be comfortable. Love this post. It really hits the nail on the head.

  3. amen sista! this post is oh so very true!
    and might i just add so happy i found your blog!

  4. Excited to see wherever God may take you on this crazy, wild ride of life!

  5. Move to Indianapolis! That's where I live now. :)
