I am currently on spring break. I haven't been completely useless this week though. I wrote most of my papers for my portfolio about The Great Gatsby. My room is clean and redecorated. I have re-highlighted my hair orange for the premiere tonight.Only the ends, I didn't go crazy. Plus, it washes out really easily. I did it because I want to be like the girl on fire.
The weather has been mostly sunny this week. It is either absolutely gorgeous or pouring rain. I have summer fever and I am listening to the summer playlist on stereomood.com. It is this free Internet radio that is organized into moods. My favorites are lost in thought, studying, in love, and it's raining.
This morning I woke up at about 11 a.m. which was glorious. I then read my bible and finished the book of Exodus. Then I did some yoga and zumba. Mornings are so much better when you get 11 hours of sleep and have no alarm or agenda to follow. Every night I have been writing in my journal a bunch. It's so nice to get my real thoughts on paper, and not having to share everything I think and feel with someone. I am alone, but not lonely.Well, maybe a little lonely,but it's kay. God really spoke to me at the youth event last weekend. He said that he is right beside me.:)
I have been having awesome dreams lately. I wish I could remember more of them.
This picture describes how I feel.A bit confused.
My semi-orange hair.
Everything bloomed overnight.